Saint John the Baptist

A podcast from Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish in Fort Lauderdale


The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

It is most fitting that our minds and hearts be directed to focus on Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church throughout the entire month of May. As we come to the end of the month, let us reflect on the Blessed Mary, Mother of the Church and then look towards to Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.


  • Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish is offering a unique opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through the proven and timeless teachings of St. Francis De Sales. This is a practical guide for lay people pursuing holiness. Join us Mondays at 2pm in the Parish hall as we discuss prayer, participation in the Sacraments, and the virutues of humility, patience, gentleness, charity and more. We'll be exploring St. Francis de Sales' seminal work, An Introduction to the Devout Life" each week, using the TAN Classics edition (available at Weekly classes begin June 3rd and there is no cost to participate.
  • May is a fitting time to focus on Mary, Mother of God, and Mother of the Church.
  • The decree establishing the celebration of Mary, Mother of the Church, on the Monday after Pentecost states that Mary became the Mother of the Church when she accepted her Son's testament of love at the foot of the Cross.
  • Mary welcomed all people as sons and daughters to be reborn into eternal life, as exemplified by her actions at the foot of the Cross.
  • Mary is a model of humble obedient service, demonstrating the importance of accepting her Son’s testament of love.
  • From her response to the Angel Gabriel to her Assumption into heaven, Mary exemplified bringing Jesus to a suffering world.
  • Mary's virtues, such as her response to God at the Annunciation and her intervention at the wedding feast at Cana, are essential for being a faithful follower of Jesus.
  • Mary’s humility allowed her to follow God's will and gave her courage to face an unknown future.
  • Her trusting humility enabled her to say yes under all circumstances of her life.
  • Mary committed to following God's will and bringing His Son into the world, even without fully understanding the divine plan.
  • Despite facing pain, bewilderment, and sorrow, Mary’s humble obedience and reliance on divine love gave her strength to be the first and greatest disciple of Jesus.
  • Mary gave birth to Jesus at Bethlehem and continued to bring His presence into the world throughout her life.
  • Mary invites us to "do whatever he tells you," continuing her role of bringing Jesus to the world.
  • Mary is our model of true discipleship, teaching us to listen humbly and act boldly on God's invitation.
  • By following Mary’s example, we are called to bring Jesus to a suffering world through humble obedience to God's will.