Saint John the Baptist

A podcast from Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish in Fort Lauderdale


Lenten Mission Preview with Pete Suarez

An interview with Pete Suarez, who will be leading our Lenten Mission on March 25th followed by a reflection on Saint Joseph, Prince and Patron of the Universal Church.


  • Lenten Mission is Monday, March 25th at 7pm.
  • Pete Suarez has been a member of St. Timothy Parish since 1989. Although retired, he is an active partner of the Franciscan Holy Name Province. He travels the southeastern U.S. preaching Parish Missions as a member of the Franciscan Ministry of the Word. He was a founder of “Radio Paz” where he was involved in writing, producing, and hosting various programs such as We are One Body, Thy Kingdom Come, and Live-giving Words. The latter being a daily commentary on Gospel Readings, for over 30 years. As a bilingual author, he has published two books: God Makes Sense and Dios Tiene Sentido. Mr. Suarez holds a Master Degree in Theology and has taught at St. John Vianney Seminary in Miami.


  • Honoring Saint Joseph in March: The Catholic Church dedicates March to Saint Joseph, venerating him as the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster father of Jesus.
  • Patronage and Protection: Declared the patron and protector of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius IX. Recognized as the patron saint of workers, fathers, married individuals, exiles, the sick, the dying, and those seeking a holy death.
  • Biblical Appearances: Appears in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Instructed by the angel Gabriel in a dream to marry Mary, showcasing his obedience (Gospel of Matthew). Featured in the Nativity scene in Bethlehem, highlighting his care for his family (Gospel of Luke). Flees to Egypt to protect Jesus from Herod, demonstrating his protective nature (Gospel of Matthew). Returns to Nazareth after Herod's death, fulfilling the prophecy of the Messiah being a Nazarene (Gospel of Matthew). Found with Mary searching for Jesus in the temple, showing his concern for Jesus (Gospel of Luke).
  • Virtues of Saint Joseph: Faithfulness: Trusted in God's plan and accepted his role with humility. Humility: A carpenter by trade, he lived a life of modest means without seeking recognition. Courage: Took swift action to protect his family, risking personal safety. Paternal Love: Cared for Jesus with devotion, despite not being his biological father.
  • Model of the Holy Family: Represents an earthly reflection of the Trinity, embodying humble service and faith.
  • Silent Witness: Known for his actions rather than words, emphasizing the importance of living one's faith through deeds.
  • Papal Devotions: Saint John Paul II's apostolic exhortation "Redemptoris Custos" (Guardian of the Redeemer) highlights Joseph's role in God's plan of salvation. Pope Francis's "Year of Saint Joseph" (December 2020-December 2021) and apostolic letter "With a Father's Heart" underline Joseph's fatherly love and service. Pope Francis added Saint Joseph's name to all Eucharistic prayers, ensuring his mention in every Catholic Mass worldwide since 2013.
  • Implications for Individuals and Society: Encourages adopting Joseph's virtues in personal and professional life. Advocates for the dignity of work and workers' rights, reflecting Joseph's patronage. Emphasizes the role of families in providing spiritual guidance and care, following Joseph's example.